Friday, February 8, 2013

Briard Medical Trust February 2013 NewsView this email in your browser
The Briard Medical Trust
Dear Briarders and friends,

Thanks to you, the BMT Bloat Challenge was a great success.  We sent out the call and you answered:  our original goal was $2500 and we received $4400 in donations which allowed us to contribute over $12,000 to the AKC CHF Bloat Initiative.  The AKC in turn has sent out its request for proposals which you can read about here.

Over the past year, the BMT has committed over $20,000 to research including bloat and the following projects:

01609: Probiotic VSL# 3 Reduces Enteritis in Dogs with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

01429: Mechanistic Relationship of IL-8 in Cell Proliferation and Survival of Canine Hemangiosarcoma

01426: c-Kit Mutation and Localization Status as Response Predictors in Canine Mast Cell Tumors Treated with Toceranib or Vinblastine: A Response-Adaptive Randomized Trial

01415: Development of Anti-IgE Peptide for Treatment of Canine Allergy

Research summaries and progress reports for each study have been uploaded to the BMT website and can be accessed on our activities page

Thank you for your continued support.  With your help, we look forward to doing more for Briards in 2013.

Since its founding in 2005, the Briard Medical Trust has donated over $55,000 in support of various research studies to benefit the health of our Briards. Your generous giving makes this possible.

Thank you. 


You can benefit the Briard Medical Trust any time you shop by making your purchases through the portal provided at the bottom of  the trust's "Shop Amazon, Benefit The Trust" page.

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