Monday, November 10, 2008

Dante Gets His 3rd Q!

Helen Moulden of Sidney B.C. reports that CKC-CH. Aladax's Sorcerer CDX AGNCH "Dante" finally got his 3rd Starters Q in AAC Agility. Now they are in Advanced and Masters. However, Helen says "he slipped off the teeter in practice and refused to get on again so we may have started something else!"

Dante's qualifying score was for the Agility Association of Canada. In AAC you have to get three perfect scores to move to the next level to get Standard titles. The levels are Starters, Advanced and Masters. Now Dante is in Advanced Standard. Games titles are scored separately. Starters Games require one qualifying score to move to Advanced. Then two qualifying scores are required to move to Masters. Separate titles are available for Team and Steeplechase. Dante runs Masters courses in Jumpers & Snooker.

CKC only offer Standard runs and Jumpers with Weaves. The levels are Novice, Intermediate and Excellent. Here Dante runs at the Intermediate level. The rules are much the same for AKC.